April 1, 2020 - for the first time since I was 15 years old…I didn't have a job to go to when I woke up that morning. COVID-19 came like a whirlwind and brought with it life changes so many of us couldn't imagine. October 28, 2019 - I had recently returned from a trip to NYC to visit dear friends and support one of my closest and oldest friends as she launched her own HAIR CAIR LINE!! Yes, you read that right…her whole name is on every product.
I digress.
This time last year I had come from one trip and was gearing up for another. I was wrapping up a 6-figure year from working my rear off as an Manager in the live entertainment/venue business. I had just hired a new and excited Account Executive, and 4th quarter of 2019 was looking to be quite fruitful. So no, I had no idea that 2020 would gut-punch my world and force me to evaluate so much in my life. How I spend my time; where I spend my time; who I spend my time and why I spend my time.
April 1, 2020 - was the first day of my furlough-life. The reality of it all didn't hit me like it should of…had it done so, you would have been reading this June 25, 2020. Perhaps it was because my vacation was being paid out and the reality of true unemployment hadn't hit yet. Perhaps it was because there was this idea that a return to work could, or would happen in July. Perhaps it was because for the first time in a long time…I had NOTHING to do…and I didn't know what to do.
So I relaxed. Took French lessons via Rosetta Stone. Cooked. Re-watched True Blood. Made Tik Tok videos. Bought a Buddha Board. Set up Zoom Happy Hours with friends. Planned a bachelorette weekend.
However, we are who we are at our core. I’m not a free-spirit. I don’t just go with the flow and do what I want when I want. I value structure, order, passion and people. So while my new found availability allowed me to indulge in my favorite activities…the shine of it all started to wear off. This isn't the life I want. Where is the balance? Where is the structure…the routine? And most importantly…I don't have that much vacation…and I have bills to pay.
For years I have gone to the Reece Nichols website; looked up and reviewed the salesperson qualifications needed to take the exam. However, I never made the time to take course…the actual first step to becoming a licensed agent in Missouri. There was always an excuse.
Not anymore.